Instant apps are ready to use apps on the Google Play Store that users can try without even downloading the app. These apps are designed to break the barriers a user normally encounters while trying to use an app. Instant apps can be used directly by the user hence relieving him from the worries of storage issues and limited internet usage. This feature was first announced in the Google I/O 2016 and there have been quite a few apps who leveraged it very effectively. Hollar, NYTimes Crossword, BuzzFeed News, Onefootball Live, Soccer Scores, Red Bull TV etc. are some of the prominent ones to lead the way in this idea.
How can I use Instant Apps?

To enable instant apps on your phone simply head over to your Settings app and select Google Account settings. Find the Instant Apps option, toggle it on, and select ‘Yes I’m in’ when the pop-up screen comes. Now you are ready to try instant apps.
Note - According to Google this feature is available for all devices from Jelly Bean and above. Still, there might be some issues in rendering application on very old devices. Well, it won’t hurt trying so do give it a shot.
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Why Should I Develop an Instant App?
Developing an instant app or converting your pre-existing native application into one, will give you following advantages:
1. More Exposure:
Instant apps make it easy for the users to try an app before hitting the download button. Hence you will get more number of people who are willing to give your app a shot. Also just like us, many publications will cover your app in the list of leaders in this space. Thus, it will give you a punch up in publicity.
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2. Instantaneous Feedback:
In case of instant apps, the user’s feedback is completely spontaneous. Either they will download the app, share it or leave without showing any engagement. Hence you will know how well your app performs in the first experience. Based on the analytics you receive, you can take steps to improve your app’s offerings.
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3. Wider User Base:
You will observe a very substantial increase in the user base as there might be users who want to use your app but aren’t able to manage space on their device to accommodate it. Getting an instant app will help you broaden your user base and give equally good experience to people using low-end devices.
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4. Social Sharing:
Social sharing is one of the biggest advantages of instant apps. Users can share any specific page of your app over different social media platforms thus giving you free buzz and traction from new audiences. This will also help you leverage networks of micro-influencers by offering them easy access to your app.
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5. A Win Over Competition:
Having an instant app will make it easy for users of your competitor’s app to see your app. By making it easy for them to experience your application you can easily take some users from other apps offering similar services as yours.
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Best Practices for Using Instant Apps:

When it comes to building instant apps there are many ideas that might come to your mind. Google strongly recommends the use of ‘Material Design for Android’ guidelines while designing an instant app. Here are some additional things that you should consider:
1. Maintain Consistency:
It is important that your UI for the instant app is same as that of the normal app. This will prevent any inconsistencies in user experience and ensure a uniform feel throughout the user journey from instant to the downloaded version of the app.
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2. Delay Signing:
It makes no sense to ask a user to sign up for using an instant app. The whole point of creating an instant app is to break the barriers to entry to your app. Hence you should delay the signup process at a later stage or remove it completely if possible.
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3. Leverage Sharing:
As discussed earlier the option of social sharing is a very compelling reason to build an instant app in the first place. Hence you should make it as easy as possible for the user to share the app. Try including share buttons in prominent places and offer reasons like achievements or great content to trigger sharing.
If you want to get an instant app developed for your company then feel free to contact us. With over 10 years of experience in mobile app development, we have built a great expertise in this domain. Our experienced team of developers will be able to give shape to your project on the go.