2 min read
Interactive Experience in the Real-World – Augmented Reality
Anurag : Aug 4, 2020 11:50:00 PM
Technology that covers information and virtual objects in the real world enhanced by computer-generated information across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory is known as Augmented Reality. It provides a reality-based display environment that helps in generating sound, effects, texts, and displays with the help of a computer so that it may intensify the user’s experience. It adds digital content into a live camera feed so that it looks like a part of the real world. Augmented reality has a huge impact in several fields such as education, health care, tourism, retail, Etc. In this blog, we will be majorly discussing AR's contribution to education and retail.
AR in Education
AR is emerging as the key driver to the education system boosting the depth and effectiveness of the medical training. It aims at enhancing the learning abilities of the students by providing virtual understanding and adding gaming elements to support textbook materials.

AR is the future of the education system; students will be entirely dependent on technology, smartphones, tablets, and computers naturally. Life without the internet and video games will not be possible. Some of them will be living in smart homes and talk to a Smart Voice Assistant every morning before going to school. According to Robert Hannah, the Chief Operating Officer at Grant Thornton U.K. said that "By 2025, Generation Alpha (iGeneration- children born between 2010 and 2025)will number 2 billion globally. It will be the wealthiest, most educated, and technologically literate in history."
Augmented Reality in Retail
Augmented reality is helping to redefine the beauty and wellness of the retail sector. It synergized the digital technology system by creating personalized products to attract customers and incline them more towards online shopping. The companies are spending dollars on machine learning databases to redefine the concept of retail so that they may provide individualized attention to each customer, serve personalized product recommendations, and also know their preferences and market trends.

The goal is to keep the customers informed about the products and services available and let them find the joy in discovery, learning, and engagement. Future experts are working on building systems that will further focus on increasing customer’s experience, satisfaction, and productivity of retail stores. This will not only be limited to an online platform but also giving a physical retail experience, customers will meet us in person virtually, at their go-to shopping mall. The companies are constantly taking new digital initiatives to reach their consumers virtually to explore new channels to distribute and better offers to acquire new customers.
Augmented reality is the new communication tool that is being used by the companies to redefine the real-time interaction and helping them to conduct proper research and analyze most of the data and information. As augmented technology becomes more sophisticated, the cost-saving and business applications will expand, the demand and investment in AR will increase. It is predicted that there will be 83 million augmented reality users by the end of 2020 giving a new digital face to the market.