Cloud migration is the transfer of applications and data to the cloud. A Cloud Migration strategy helps you to use applications in a better form and secure your data while migrating. However, this process can be a little tough as it requires proper planning, execution, and testing. So for this, there is a step by step procedure guide mentioned below which will make your work easy.
Step by step Cloud Migration Strategy:

1. Choosing the appropriate cloud provider:
A great number of options are available when you are looking for cloud services. So choosing the right one is necessary which is dependent on a number of factors. If you have got a specific cloud provider in mind, do ask yourself certain questions before selecting the option.
- The popular options which are available:
The most popular cloud service is Amazon Web Services as they were the first to make cloud computing a commodity. After that, there are great It companies like Azure (run by Microsoft), Google, IBM etc
- Choose the right one:
All of them have a specific set of strengths and weaknesses. Don't just go for the market leader rather see what it focuses on and then choose accordingly.
Read More: AWS vs Azure vs GCP
2. Start preparing for the migrate:
Once you have selected a cloud provider, it’s time, to begin with preparing. Proper planning is a must so as that you working goes in the right direction.
- Whom to start with first
The easiest and least complex applications should be moved first. By this, you will come to know about the process and deal with unforeseeable problems while the stakes are still low.
- Do application architecture require change?
Computing environments is a part of cloud server migration that runs quite different than your current working system. Servers, networks and data services all run and interact differently, and you need to make sure you update parts of your system to be ready for this change.
- How will the move affect the performance?
The major reason behind migration is the performance factor. But application won't always run faster in the cloud. When changing to a distributed environments unexpected bottlenecks can happen.
- Make your Staff ready
You actually need to make your staff friendly with the change. All the developers, managers, administrators etc. should be prepared for the change.
Operating the new service on the cloud:
To update the new service on the cloud you need to work on
- updating code
- troubleshooting problems
- measuring performance
How to deal with downtime
There will be a bit of downtime when you migrate but if you make the right strategy it will help you to experience transition more smoothly and save you from chaos.
Read More: How to do a successful cloud migration?
3. Migrating:
If you have denoted ample of time while planning then your migration will go on quite smoothly. Of, course you may face unexpected problems but that will be altered. You have to use tools appropriately which you have already planned off.
- How to move your data?
Different techniques will be used for copying depending on the size of your database and application. If you do not have a lot of information to migrate then things could be done over an internet connection. For large workloads, this is not at all suggested.
- Security while migration
If security is a major issue when you enter the zone of cloud then it should be as important as sending all that information and code to the cloud. Even the temporary storage location should be secure for sensitive information same as the end destination.
- Migrating your data using right tools
Moving a database can be little confusing as all the tools have specific working and limitations. So go accordingly. Consult an expert before going through the process so that you make a wise decision.
- Make sure your apps can be transferred
You have to make sure that the apps you are using do not get blocked on the cloud. They should be portable. This issue usually arises with metadata.
4. Keep a check that everything goes on smoothly:
After the migration of data is done, you need to sure that all the procedure has been done smoothly. You might think its easy but in reality, it is not. Have an automated testing strategy to see important things like:-
- Did it work well?
- Did all of the data make it properly?
- Is it reachable to all users?
- Are all of the internal components communicating in a proper manner?
- Can all of your admin tools actually check the new cloud app properly?
If this all is not available through automated version, you have to opt for the manual zone.
5. Have a great team to help you:
Going for any kind of IT migration is dangerous and full of errors. So in that case having an experienced team will be a great aid who can assist you in proper functioning. You might think it is possible by doing it yourself and save the extra cost but later on, it will create big issues which will cost more.
So moving to the cloud is a better, faster service for less money but it is only possible if all the steps are done correctly. If you need help in cloud migration contact us today. Being partners with major cloud service providers has helped us gain cutting-edge expertise in the field. Get in touch today for a free consultation with our experts.